Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

I am happier than I have ever been in my season of singleness right now. Over the years I have experienced a roller-coaster of experiences in relationships and questioned God's timing. I am so at peace with where the journey has taken me and the strength of character God has developed in me through my own pain, tears, impatience and bad decisions made when I moved ahead of God without letting him lead. I have a purpose that has been given by God before I was even born. I strive daily to stay in step with my Lord. He made my heart and knows me most intimately. He has filled me to overflowing with love and purpose and I'm lacking nothing in my life. My time is precious and I need to be discerning with how and who I spend it with... God is fully capable of clearly showing me if a man that is pursuing me is one that needs to be in my life. Until then, I will live each of my days just as I am now, with expectancy of all the God is doing in the world and how he wants me to be a part of his plans. God has been bringing liberating perspective in my life on every front, including: finances, faith, intellectual growth and peace. It isn't easy by any means to be a young, single woman in a big city, but I am blown away that God believes I'm strong enough to handle it, and not just handle it, but thrive in the circumstances. I'm convinced of the love of Jesus Christ and trust his promises that he will give me everything I need to live a life of victory in every area!

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