Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Peripety and Chiastic Structure

Esther 2:7 ----------->Esther 2:9

I've been doing Beth Moore's Bible study of Esther looking into two literary devices used in this short book of the Bible. It is the only book in the Bible that doesn't use the name of God at all. it is an intriguing story of a Jewish orphan who later becomes the Queen of Persia and ends up rescuing the Jewish people living in the Empire from a holocaust. Though the hand of God is weaved intricately throughout the background of the book, it is subtle, yet powerful. 

The first literary device is: chiastic structure- inverted parallelism. it is a reversal of structures to make a powerful point. John F Kennedy's quote is a good example: "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." It is so powerful to see how God reverses the destiny of a young orphaned Jewish girl and she becomes the Queen of the Persian Empire. The book also shows inverted parallelism clearly in the story of a people group being sentenced to a mass execution by order of the king and to see the reversal of their destiny as the Queen steps up and out in boldness at the prompting of a family member. She uses her influence, at the risk of her own life, to save an entire nation of people by giving them the power and opportunity to fight for themselves.

The lesson I have embraced from the study is that Jesus Christ seeks us out so that He can reverse our destiny. I think of my childhood and the many Saturdays I spent at the community soccer and baseball fields with my mom. This is what happens when you have three older brothers in sports. I sat in the bleachers with my face (thick coke-bottled glasses and all) buried deep in a book. One day mom gently took me by the arm and firmly led me over to another little girl my age. I hid behind her as she attempted to introduce me... This was my story throughout Elementary school. Talk about a reversal of destiny! Later in high school I was voted Junior Class President and Senior Class President and couldn't walk from class to class without saying hello to every other student I passed. Still to this day my career is based on networking and relationships and after college I moved to New York City to start a new life and later lived in Italy and traveled to the Middle East to teach English. My friends watch me at a social gathering and are baffled, when I tell them I am naturally an introvert. A destiny reversed. My love for others and for people in general comes from Jesus. I can't help, but love and desire to get to know others, because each one of us has such a unique story. An epic story that is being written and we, like Esther, are the protagonist. 

The second literary device is called Peripety and by definition is a sudden turn of events that reverses the expected or intended outcome. What is it for you? What transformation and reversal of destiny have you seen or do you long to see in your life? Please know that it is possible. Maybe you grew up a very selfish child who had more than you could ever need or ask for and now you are involved in the community and sharing your excess blessing with those in need. Reversal of destiny. Or maybe, you were shy as a child like me, or even abused, and now you have a message that you need to share with others. You have had an encounter with the God working behind the scenes in your life and you can't and won't shut up about freedom! If you are still waiting for the turn of events to reverse the outcome others might "expect" from your life, than pray to the Living God for him to come and intervene. He will. The Lord longs to show you gracious compassion.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You can add writing to your long list of new additions to your destiny, as God illumines your mind, heart, soul and spirit, my Shining Star! LOVED THIS!!
