Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Campaign

Though I don’t really much any TV, other than Sports and the News I always enjoy a comedy! Who doesn’t need some comic relief in our day of wars, crime and natural disasters? It makes sense why “Seeking a friend for the end of the World” with Steve Carroll and Kiera Knightly got some good reviews. Now I am seeing ads around New York promoting the latest comedy “The Campaign” starring Will Ferrell and Zac Galifanakis. This film will no doubt be hilarious, considering the A-Team they cast for it! However, the more I thought about it just made me sad. Is this what our great democracy has become? A big joke? The American Soldiers, who are missed by their loved ones and are risking their mental, physical and spiritual health in life, are fighting a war for the ideals and freedom of a government that is just a big joke?
Last week I got on a kick of watching epic themed films to decompress and remind myself of historic examples that morals and integrity still can exist in this morally loose culture I find myself living in. I couldn’t help double fist-pumping and practically bouncing up and down on the bed as Maximus fought for Strength and Honor in The Gladiator, Natty Bumppo fought for freedom and love in The Last of the Mohicans and William Wallace led the Scottishmen from the front lines into a battle, rousing them from selfishness and reminding them that it is better to die for freedom, than to die warm and cozy in thier bed as a coward. The most recent epic film I watched was The Patriot, also starring Mel Gibson’s character as a single American father of 7 children during the Revolutionary War. His sacrifice for the cause of freedom involved losing 2 children and risking leaving the other 5 without mother AND father, by going to fight. Though “The Patriot” is not totally historically accurate, the fact remains that the price of Freedom for the nation of America was expensive and it still is today.
I won’t tell you WHO to vote for in November, but you owe it to the hundreds of thousand lives lost so YOU would be able to safely cast a ballot on the first Tuesday of November. I don’t care if you think the candidates are both jokes, you have been given the freedom to educate yourself on both men and have the freedom to choose one. Whether you like it or not, one of these men will be running our country come November and you choose which one will greatly influence your future and that of your family and descendents.